Here's another example of what my astro-mate is achieving from his back yard.
For those interested the kit is:
Scope: Skywatcher 150P (150mm aperture, 750mm focal length) with
Baader MPCC (coma corrector) taken at prime focus with an unmodified
Canon 350D on a Vixen GP mount, autoguided using Guidedog.
Result is from 70 x 45s images, stacked (aka co-added) and processed
in DeepSkyStacker with final noise-removal by NeatImage demo ver.
For those interested the kit is:
Scope: Skywatcher 150P (150mm aperture, 750mm focal length) with
Baader MPCC (coma corrector) taken at prime focus with an unmodified
Canon 350D on a Vixen GP mount, autoguided using Guidedog.
Result is from 70 x 45s images, stacked (aka co-added) and processed
in DeepSkyStacker with final noise-removal by NeatImage demo ver.