A Canon A720 IS
8MP, 1/2.5 CCD, 6x optical zoom (35-210 mm equivalent), f2.8 - f8, 2.5" TFT LCD, zooming optical viewfinder (a BIG PLUS!), SD/SDHC/MMC/MMCPlus/HC MMCPlus.
A backup & snapshotter loaded with tons of features that so far seem to work very nicely. Price is a plus as they're available for ~$180 online.
IS = optical Image Stabilization, and it works. Full manual including focus; manual aperture; manual shutter; programmed (numerous modes & options); web 160x120 (200 min w/2 gig card) & 640x480 movies w/sound (unfortunately mono) and full auto; LCD on/off to save batteries when using the optical viewfinder (2-3x savings so far); face recognition (that works - up to 3 faces); low-light/night modes; auto red-eye removal (subtraction light on the cams front, not double flash); auto, manual and programmed white balance; image audio notes; automatic rotation of portrait mode shots; widescreen (ie: 16:9); 3:2 mode; a stitch assist mode, among a ton of others.
Manual focus in program modes; the center 1/3 of the frame is magnified aid in focussing. This includes macro focussing. Range 0" to infinity.
The front bezel comes off so you can mount accessory macro, telephoto and wide angle lenses. It's a twist mount.
Shutter lag: ~.25-.3 seconds on the first shot indoors, much less on subsequent shots to the same focus zone (remembers the last shots setting). Nice, especially in motor mode.
No hot shoe for a hotter flash, but a 35mm flash bracket that mounts to the screw adapter lets you mount an auto-sensing slave flash, and it has a program mode to use one. It also has 1st and 2nd curtain flash modes; 2nd curtain lets you shoot motion blurs, especially with things like car tail lights etc.
Pics & detailed opinions coming.

8MP, 1/2.5 CCD, 6x optical zoom (35-210 mm equivalent), f2.8 - f8, 2.5" TFT LCD, zooming optical viewfinder (a BIG PLUS!), SD/SDHC/MMC/MMCPlus/HC MMCPlus.
A backup & snapshotter loaded with tons of features that so far seem to work very nicely. Price is a plus as they're available for ~$180 online.
IS = optical Image Stabilization, and it works. Full manual including focus; manual aperture; manual shutter; programmed (numerous modes & options); web 160x120 (200 min w/2 gig card) & 640x480 movies w/sound (unfortunately mono) and full auto; LCD on/off to save batteries when using the optical viewfinder (2-3x savings so far); face recognition (that works - up to 3 faces); low-light/night modes; auto red-eye removal (subtraction light on the cams front, not double flash); auto, manual and programmed white balance; image audio notes; automatic rotation of portrait mode shots; widescreen (ie: 16:9); 3:2 mode; a stitch assist mode, among a ton of others.
Manual focus in program modes; the center 1/3 of the frame is magnified aid in focussing. This includes macro focussing. Range 0" to infinity.
The front bezel comes off so you can mount accessory macro, telephoto and wide angle lenses. It's a twist mount.
Shutter lag: ~.25-.3 seconds on the first shot indoors, much less on subsequent shots to the same focus zone (remembers the last shots setting). Nice, especially in motor mode.
No hot shoe for a hotter flash, but a 35mm flash bracket that mounts to the screw adapter lets you mount an auto-sensing slave flash, and it has a program mode to use one. It also has 1st and 2nd curtain flash modes; 2nd curtain lets you shoot motion blurs, especially with things like car tail lights etc.
Pics & detailed opinions coming.
