Looks like I might have to swap back the Gigger for my old 850.
I've been trying to use a Slot 1 P!!! 1 GHz 100 FSB CPU on my Asus P2B-S R1.03 for the last couple weeks but it looks like it just isn't going to be stable. I keep getting random lockups under W2K and Win98 that I can't seem to eliminate. Both the Slot 1 Gigger and FC-PGA 850 run nominally at 1.70v (default voltage setting on slocket) but the Gigger keeps locking up. Funny that IE seems to lock it up pretty quickly yet I can run OE, Outlook, and Prime95 for hours without any problem. I've had it lock up with 97% system idle and voltage reported as nominal. I tried different memory timings with my Mushkin PC150 RAM to no avail. I tried the new 1014.001 BIOS (was using 1013.007) but no difference. I don't what else to try since there's very little I can control on the Slot 1 CPU. Any suggestions before I swap back for my old (and now heavily stressed) 850 and stick my buddy with this CPU which doesn't work at all on his system?