I have ordered a Thermalright SK6 an a tube of Arctic Silver 2.
And when I read the instruction on how to aplay it, it gives me the inpression that those who manufacture it only want us to use it in conjunture with neverbefore used cpu and heatsink.
I have already put standard thermal grease on my cpu, and acording tho them it will (even after thorough cleaning) impaire the efectivness of the Arctic silver.
Any one that can give me his personal experienses with Arctic silver grease?
And when I read the instruction on how to aplay it, it gives me the inpression that those who manufacture it only want us to use it in conjunture with neverbefore used cpu and heatsink.
I have already put standard thermal grease on my cpu, and acording tho them it will (even after thorough cleaning) impaire the efectivness of the Arctic silver.
Any one that can give me his personal experienses with Arctic silver grease?