I'm sorry Joel but .... Q3 is a bad example, because Q3 freaks need high frame rates as do UT freaks ( UT that's me ).On the other hand I need only mention games like Giants, Max Payne etc. to see where a 300$ GFX card comes in handy.
Sure dual-head is a nice thing but if you don't use it or don't need it then why pay extra for it ! I had a G400 Max and I never used my dualHead ... I don't have 2 monitors and I don't need two monitors.(I know that it could be used for watching TV ... but hey)
Sure dual-head is a nice thing but if you don't use it or don't need it then why pay extra for it ! I had a G400 Max and I never used my dualHead ... I don't have 2 monitors and I don't need two monitors.(I know that it could be used for watching TV ... but hey)
Now all we need is for Matrox to match their superior image quality with the fastest 3D so we can end all these debates once and for all.