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Win2k refresh rate utilities (need one for Kyro II)

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  • #16
    Easy, people

    Ashley: I also think powerstrip is a very nice utility. Don´t get me wrong. I think what the guys around here are trying to say is that making refresh rates to "stick" on win2k when using 3D is not that intuitive as it may seem. It´s a very specific situation, and people are having trouble with it. It´s not that complicated after all, I´ve got to admit it, but it can get tricky for begginers. Oh, and BTW, thanks for helping me on PVR rev, to be honest I really couldn´t remember who it was

    About the point of posting this subject here, I think omegaRED and Admiral already have explained it very well. After all this is a "general hardware/software" forum, right? And believe me if you ask a question about something here you got a good change of getting a helpfull answer. There are many people around who really knows about this stuff and most of people posting are regulars and we kind of feel good helping each other. At least I do . Look at Admiral, he got his problem fixed here and he had tried on PVR (on a thread I already posted BTW ). The funny thing is that when I got back from hollydays I just had to brownse the past week posts here on MURC


    • #17
      there is a little tweak util that can help with the win2k refresh rate problem here:
      This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


      • #18
        Well 1st off, the original question was about a refresh rate utility for a Kyro II.

        Ashley comes in as allways bashing powerdesk and boasting how good his powerstrip is. As allways, he butts in out of topic. If you're so smart, why don't you do us all a tv out adjustment utility and add somekind of PAL60 support while you're at it?



        • #19
          (on a thread I already posted BTW ).
          I know, but back then I didn't knew what to make of your post. Was rather hoping you'd pop in and guide me or that someone would tell me more about HzTool or give me an alternative.

          About the Kyro PowerTools, guess I confused them with the KyroToolsXP, and was wondering where the refresh rate tab went
          I just downloaded the Power Tools, will give them a try


          • #20
            Neat, it overrides the refresh rates, you reboot and all the refresh rates stick

            There's only one tiny problem, it doesn't do so for 2D.
            Right now I'm playing Diablo 2 in 2D. In 3D when I start the game the screen's black, sound still plays in the background and after a few seconds I can hear the Windows error sound and must close it with ctr+alt+del (Windows Security/Task Manager).
            I tryed patching it before running the videotest like someone suggested on the PVR Rev boards, it doesn't work.
            Hope they'll solve the problem in the DirectX drivers.

