Its not quite the genuine IBM AT that many of us old farts know and love, but <a href=> Maplin Electronics </a>sell a rather nice Click Action Keyboard for the princely sum of £9.99.
I got mine this afternoon, and although the slightly different keyboard layout around the PrintScreen/ScrollLock/Break keys is a mite awkward at first (esp as I play TFC with the left hand on the numeric keypad for movement) the tactile feel is good and the quality seems okay.
I'd prefer the keys to be slightly more widely spaced, but thats just my fumble fingers.
Item Code UX44
I ought to be on comission for Maplins
I got mine this afternoon, and although the slightly different keyboard layout around the PrintScreen/ScrollLock/Break keys is a mite awkward at first (esp as I play TFC with the left hand on the numeric keypad for movement) the tactile feel is good and the quality seems okay.
I'd prefer the keys to be slightly more widely spaced, but thats just my fumble fingers.
Item Code UX44
I ought to be on comission for Maplins
