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What mobile?

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  • #16
    I dunno if i can wait that long for the 6310......

    The r520m looks promising.... does anyone have anything negative to say about this one?

    I dont think i could ever buy that Trium though Steve.... Its just plain nasty!
    The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


    • #17
      Paddy - here's a review on the ericsson:

      I just could never buy an ericsson as I find they're nasty to use. I will admit to never using that model though.

      Also, the trium I'm talking about it not the huge one (The Mondo?). There's a pic in T3 this month (nothing on their site about it though).

      look at this pic for more info on new phones (a scan from this month's T3 - well, a photo, cos my scanner's just ground to a horrible death! )


      • #18
        Nice link Steve... although now i am even more confused.....

        too many choices....

        I am now thinking about a Sony Z5 or J5, or an ericsson R520m....

        anyone got good/bad experiences?
        Last edited by Paddy; 2 September 2001, 15:57.
        The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


        • #19
          As far as I'm concerned ther e is only one phone on the market today: T39


          • #20
            do you have a link to a review? I was told that the T28 had terrible software.... I would be interested to see if the T39 is similar.
            The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


            • #21
              OK, here is one link for you:

              "Ericssonís decision to outsource its handset manufacture is music to the ears of Nokia as it weakens the ability of the market number three to compete. Ericsson is exiting following a period of sustained losses and an acknowledgement that without scale it cannot achieve a satisfactory return on a commodity product"

              Also, I have privilaged information that Ericsson will be cutting back further on production & outsourcing.

              Another one here:

              ".....Ericsson exiting the mobile phone manufacturing business....."

              "That doesn't mean you won't see Ericsson-brand phones; you will, but Ericsson will only do the research and development and outsource the manufacture. Motorola, for one, has already stepped up with an offer to contract-out production"

              I didn't say Ericsson would stop development, but as to who actually makes the hand sets in the future, well it's anybodies guess.
              It cost one penny to cross, or one hundred gold pieces if you had a billygoat.
              Trolls might not be quick thinkers but they don't forget in a hurry, either


              • #22
                The problem with Nokia phones is that they are overpriced... you effectively pay more just because the phone has Nokia on it. For less money you can get a phone from a different manufacturer *coughericssoncough* that has more features and functions.

                But Nokia has definitely the most user friendly controls on a phone. That's good because even a completely clueless people (like mums, old people and children) can use them with minimal effort and don't have to flip thru the manual every other day...
                Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


                • #23
                  I looked at all the phones and i thought that the ericssons were too big or too small... figures....

                  I quite liked the sony especially the way they can be configured to connect to pop3... It looked fantastic... untill i heard it ring..... oh boy.....

                  I settled on a Nokia 6210 which I can play while i make up my mind....

                  Does anyone know how to get pop mail send to a mobile (for free)?


                  x x x
                  The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                  • #24
                    I've just ordered a couple of handset upgrades, prompted by the fact that the other halfs screen exploded on her Nokia 3210 during the flight to our hols. I was going to go with a Sony Z5 for myself but decided not to after reading numerous reviews so I've plumped to splash out a little more on a Siemans SL45 for myself and a got a free Nokia 3330 for her indoors


                    • #25
                      POP3 mail at mobile phone????

                      Well, well, you bought worng phone! You can't send/recive POP3 mail on a Nokia....

                      You have to have an Ericsson R520m or an Ericsson T39m to do that with an standard mobbile phone.


                      • #26
                        No - he means a service that'll take email and put it to any phone via SMS (I think!). Paddy - try Uboot, I've got a feeling that they do it.


                        • #27
                          Thats compleatly usless on the 6210 since it does not suport long messages! (max 150 characters)!
                          According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


                          • #28
                            looks like it is time to bring this thread up again.

                            I'm just looking for a new mobile phone - and can get the following ones for about the same price with a 12-month contract.

                            my favourites at the moment would be the S45 or ME45 from siemens.

                            they also offer the ericsson R600 or the siemens M50 (slightly cheaper). as I don't really like nokia phones, I ignored the 3410 and the 6210 for the moment.

                            anyone using one of these?

                            "Perhaps they communicate by changing colour? Like those sea creatures .."
                            "Really? I didn't know they did that."
                            "Oh yes, red means help!"


                            • #29
                              I'm (<B>IM</B>)patiently waiting for the P800 from SonyEricsson.

                              Wulfman - the t68i is pretty cheap now and does pretty much eveything you'd want - nice colour screen too I've had mind for nearly a year and still going strong (well, I've had my t68 flashed to a t68i).


                              • #30
                                I wandered upon this earlier.

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