I got my new box together finally but I'm running into problems with it Installing WinXP. I have KG-7 RAID with 2 IBM 60 GXP 60 GB drives set on RAID 1. When I go to install XP, I hit F6 to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver. I install the 2000 ATA100 RAID drivers from the Disc included with the Motherboard (Hotrod 100 Pro) and it runs for a little bit then nothing happens! If I just let XP boot up and use its drivers (not 100% sure if the HP370 on HCL) it gets to the part where you can partion the drives and I wind up with a large partion that I can't do anything with because XP doesn't reconize it. Anyone have any suggestions??? I'm kinda stumped now