I have (had) a 90GB striped raid array on my MB's HighPoint controller.
During a large file move, one of the drives broke and destroyed the Array.
The symptom was that the controller reported drive 0 as a member of a broken array and drive 1 as just a drive.
In windows, drive 0 showed up as having a file structure indicative of a trashed FAT.
Drive 1 reported as having no partitions by fdisk.
In my case the drive had a mechanical problem that prevented it from accessing a few cylinders around 11% of the way into the drive.
Got it all back!
On the other hand, IBM is not doing Warranty cross-ships now!?
During a large file move, one of the drives broke and destroyed the Array.
The symptom was that the controller reported drive 0 as a member of a broken array and drive 1 as just a drive.
In windows, drive 0 showed up as having a file structure indicative of a trashed FAT.
Drive 1 reported as having no partitions by fdisk.
Steps to fixing the problem: 0, [b]Do not do anything that would write to either disk![/b] 1, Delete the raid using HighPoint's Windows Raid Manager. (gulp) 2, Recreate the raid using the bios raid setup. a, [b]Be sure that you use the same stripe size![/b] b, and, that the drives are hooked up the same way (Master/Slave, Cables, Controller Channels & all) 3, Run Norton Disk Doctor in Windows. a, It will report that the drive has no partitions and ask to search for one (or more). Say yes. b, It may also report & fix other disk problems. c, [b] Do not let it do a surface scan.[/b] 4, If it works this far, [b]get your data onto another drive![/b]
Got it all back!
On the other hand, IBM is not doing Warranty cross-ships now!?
