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AMD people are NUTS!

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  • AMD people are NUTS!

    This morning I got up earlier than usual (3:30 to be exact) and was looking around on the [H]ardOCP site and I noticed that the AMD prize waggon was comming to an area not too far from here. They give away 50sets of a Gigabyte Motherboard Model #GA7-DX with an AMD Athlon XP Processor at every stop. It was to start at 6 am and when I saw it it was about 5:50 am. I knew I was about 20 minutes from there so I dropped everything and ran out the door.

    When I showed up (about 6:10 am) there was a big bobtail truck emblazened with the AMD logo and lights all set up. Behind the ropes there were no less than 300 people standing around. The people in the truck would toss out a t-shirt every now and then and you would have thought they were tossing out $100 bills! These guys would almost tear eachother apart to get to them.

    I saw a guy standing there holding a box that obviously contained the processor/MoBo combo and I asked him if they had given them all away already. He said that they started passing out tickets at about 10 till 6 and they stopped handing them out at about 10 after. They did a drawing and he had won one of the first ones.

    I asked him if it was very crowded before 6 and he said "most of these people were here by 5". Turns out he had gotten there at 3 AM!

    You know, I want a processor as much as anyone but good grief! These guys are zealots! I'll just go buy one and save the injuries I would sustain by trying to get into the mele that surrounds those events. Heaven forbid that I should actually try to snag one of those shirts. I may have lost a limb.

    (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)

  • #2
    Zealotry is fun

    There are many good reasons for the zealotry of AMD people. They are:

    1) Amd processors rock
    2) Amd processors rock
    and most importantly

    But seriously, the AMD processors are really good at the moment.
    80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


    • #3
      Showing up at 3AM for a giveaway like that isn't too bad. Especially if they were just high school or college kids. They had a half-decent chance at winning $200+ of equipment. That's a lot of hours flipping burgers at McDonalds.
      Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


      • #4
        Oh! Don't get me wrong! I wasn't saying that they were crazy for being there. Heck, I was there as soon as I found out. If I had read that earlier I would have hit the door and been there at 5 am.

        AMD does rock!

        (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


        • #5
          But seriously, the AMD processors are really good at the moment.

          No they are fast not good!!!!!! If you want a Good stable CPU that wont blow up on you buy a Intel P4!!!
          According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


          • #6
            No they are fast not good!!!!!! If you want a Good stable CPU that wont blow up on you buy a Intel P4!!!
            shouldnt that be:

            P4s have high clock speed but arent fast. If you want a CPU that actually runs fast buy an Athlon XP!!!

            my university runs win2k on P4 1.4 ghz (i think that's what the techie said) and they suck! it felt faster last year with P3s. and my 1ghz athlon at home definetely runs faster (way faster). and i am talking about running software locally and not off a network. that and the lower price blows the P4 out of the water as far as i am concerned.


            • #7
              When clocked at the same speed the new durons are faster then all other cpus!

              We actualy sell 1.6GHz P4 systems cheaper then 1.4GHz T-Birds
              According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


              • #8
                No they are fast not good!!!!!! If you want a Good stable CPU that wont blow up on you buy a Intel P4!!!
                Sounds like a little bit of unreasonable fear there Guru. Athlons are very good CPUs. They had an issue with some poorly protected cores, but that seems to be in the past.

                How do you get an Athlon to blow up? If you're talking about Tom's little experiment, then you don't have much of an argument. Heatsinks don't just fall off. And fan failure isn't enough to incinerate the CPU.

                In other news:

                1) If you're driving on the highway, having all four wheels of your car simultaneously removed is likely to result in a crash.

                2) Boiling water is a bad idea because one of these days you're just bound to intentionally pour it down your pants.

                3) I decided not to go on, you get the point...
                Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                • #9

                  I can also setup a P3 1Ghz system which will run faster than ANY compareable Athlon system !!!!!

                  It's not what you do, but how you do it !

                  I'm getting tired of this P4 Mhz thing ..... the P4 runs with the MHZ it runs period !

                  And since AMD ppl brings up this issue all the time ...well, then it must matter to them !!

                  Just to keep things on the level ... yesterday I went out and bought an Athlon XP1800 + Epox 8KHA+ and some PC2400 corsair DDR ram !

                  If I could have purchased a similar performing P4 system for the same price as the Athlon XP system ... I would have bought the P4 system !!!
                  Fear, Makes Wise Men Foolish !
                  incentivize transparent paradigms


                  • #10
                    Kosh, I'd really like to see a P3 system outperform an Athlon. Especially for the price. I don't think it will happen. Maybe the new cores, but I haven't seen what intel will release.
                    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                    • #11
                      Ok ... that came out wrong !!!

                      I'm simply talking about tweaked performance vs. default setup.

                      Which is the scenario i'm picturing in the case of the P4 running W2K vs. his 1 GHz Athlon system at home !

                      The difference shouldn't be that great if both system were tweaked properly !
                      Last edited by Kosh Naranek; 27 October 2001, 15:29.
                      Fear, Makes Wise Men Foolish !
                      incentivize transparent paradigms


                      • #12
                        Kosh, the 1Ghz Athlon is ond.

                        Try comparing the performace of a P4 with a more modern AMD processor, like a 1.4Ghz Palamano
                        80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute

