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Question about CPU temps.

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  • Question about CPU temps.

    I have an XP1800. I was wondering if anyone else has had any expierience with them and might know what a temperature range should be.

    Right now the case it at 36 C and the Proc is at 51 C. It rarely varies more than a few degrees. The processor never gets below 50 and I have never seen it above 54.

    Is this normal or is it higher than normal?

    (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)

  • #2
    Must have it in a pretty small case...both temps are are a little warm, but not dangerously so.

    I like enough case airflow where internal case temps are 1-2C above room temp, and I prefer to keep processor temp under 50C.


    • #3
      I don't own an XP cpu but seems like a decent temperature. It all depends on your heatsink/fan.
      Titanium is the new bling!
      (you heard from me first!)


      • #4
        I have a XP 1800 and is currently at 58'C!!!!!!

        I am using a sub optimal HSF at the moment though.

        From what I can gather, it seems to stay around 50-52'C unless i stress it. (playing Q3 with the heating on!)

        I should get some decent cooling on monday, I will let you know my CPU temp then.
        The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


        • #5
          My XP 1800@1631 Mhz is running with a temp of 45/47 deg. under full load.
          Current CPU cooler is a Thermaltake Volcano 6 CU+

          The MB temp is rather high even with an open case but it depends on where the temp probe is.
          Because if its anywere near the airflow coming from the cpucooler then it will be high.Mine is normally around 36 deg. and that's with an open case !
          Fear, Makes Wise Men Foolish !
          incentivize transparent paradigms


          • #6
            ok, here is some new for you.
            51-54 isn't that bad, expecially when the athlon chips can take upto 90 degreez!!!!!
            yup. so, it's pretty good. i used to run my 1ghz with a shitty fan at 68 degrees without problem.
            but yeah, if it ever gets over 55, you might want to think about getting a better fan. but you're fine right now. try removing one side panel from your computer case if the 2 panels are separate. i did that, and my cpu that ran at 51-52, now runs at around 43, with a sys. temp of max 32 degrees. so that's not too bad.


            • #7
              My AthlonXP1700@1606MHz runs at 43,5°C now (idle) and goes up to ~48°C under full load. Case temp is 25-28°C.
              But we named the *dog* Indiana...
              My System
              2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
              German ATI-forum


              • #8
                Wow matrox_anger_me, I'm overwhelmed by your ignorance.

                68? Not okay. Add about 15 degrees for the thermal placement, and you're at a 83. Goodbye CPU lifespan.

                And some of us don't want our case open. We prefer the quiet, no matter how many "degreez" it saves us.

                Here is some new' for you: You have the highest arrogance/knowledge ratio that I can remember seeing on these boards. We won't stand for it here. Mature, be respectful, or find some other haunt.
                Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                • #9
                  39 c and 27 case fan..... I got one of thos Alpha coolers everyone is on about. It came with a Delta fan (i couldnt take that!!! ) so I switched to an old fan ripped out of a blown PSU. downgraded the voltage and whamo! near silent PC!!!

                  I am in Irelan in the Winter though.... Ambient in my attic (where the PC is) is only about 16 or 17 dec C at the moment...

                  Dont just swallow the blue pill.


                  • #10
                    WRONG I absolutely will not tolerate that type of language in my forum nor will anyone in anyother forum...

                    Ant I have saved what he said... banning material for sure
                    Last edited by Greebe; 14 December 2001, 23:12.


                    • #11
                      now don't EVER edit my posts, or give me shit again. or your board will go down!


                      • #12
                        I do not take kindly to such threats, you are no longer welcome here. Remeber all your actions are logged, I have your IPs, I know you service provider, real email address and much more so if you do decide to attempt to fulfill your threats legal action will be taken by my host network.


                        • #13

                          Sorry this thread got hijacked but I was wondering....

                          you said

                          68? Not okay. Add about 15 degrees for the thermal placement, and you're at a 83. Goodbye CPU lifespan.
                          How much of the lifespan do you loose? As most of us change CPU's more often than our underwear, does it matter?

                          I just want to know, as I have had older CPU's running hot for years, and never lost one yet (except through fan failure).

                          My old dual celery is running with one processor in its third year...

                          (intresting to note, that processor how has a temp reading of about 4deg C less than the second cpy (same HS/Fan combo, a year difference in ages, and the hotter CPU was NEVER overclocked, until I got my mitts on it!......)

                          Dont just swallow the blue pill.


                          • #14
                            Star Wars 2: Attack Of The Script Kiddies

