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Anyone know anything about DEC/OpenVMS hardware?

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  • Anyone know anything about DEC/OpenVMS hardware?

    Well at my current job I'm supporting an OpenVMS system on DEC equipment. Currently I have 5 MUXServers not working right and I'm lost on troubleshooting them (aka have no clue). I would rather try and trouble shoot them to find out extactly whats wrong with them, before I open up a work order with a PR for outdated equipment that costs over $500 bucks (of your tax dollars) to replace. I'm looking for web sites etc that help out with troubleshooting etc this equiptment, instead of being a parts changer. Thank god we are going to switch over to Windows 2000 in the next couple years (gotta love the Goverment!)

    Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

  • #2
    can I assume you have already been here:

    and looked around?

    so the issue is hardware, or the OS?

    if it's hardware, what you working on exactly?

    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


    • #3
      Well they are MUXServer 320 boxes...Three of them look to have Power supply problems and the other two aren't syncing to the network. If you know what I'm taking about theres a LCD display that looks like a number 8 on the back that should have the segments light up in a pattern that looks like an 8. The Two that are giving me problems have the number 8 solid on it and the other has a number 5 solid on it. I thought that I could use this to troubleshoot them sorta like a BIOS post code, but on the Compaq site I can't find jack on them.

      Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


      • #4

        searching around, I found:

        lots of info on these boxes....(hope it helps)
        those LED codes are there as well has new boxes for $995
        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


        • #5

          Excatly what I was looking for!!!!
          Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


          • #6
            Glad to be of assistance

            (cough)looks like someone didnt do any homework (cough)


   many tax dollars do I get for helpin ya out?
            Last edited by Dilitante1; 17 January 2002, 12:43.
            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it

