Nearly two years ago, I bought a pair of Savage4 32MB PCI cards, thinking these would be pretty good for a MultiMonitor rig...which they were in Win98.
Along came Win2K....Error Code 10, Device Cannot Start. I used every driver I could find to no avail, and eventually let the whole subject drop.
A couple of days ago, I come across a BIOS update for Savage4 cards, the readme said it resolved some kind of initialization problem for Via Chipsets (Initialization....say, isn't that another word for START?
)after some quick wrangling to get one of the Savage4 cards back from a Cousin, I apply the BIOS updates to each and Viola!; MultiMonitor in Win2K and WinXP.
Patience, persistence, and a lot of dumb luck.
Along came Win2K....Error Code 10, Device Cannot Start. I used every driver I could find to no avail, and eventually let the whole subject drop.
A couple of days ago, I come across a BIOS update for Savage4 cards, the readme said it resolved some kind of initialization problem for Via Chipsets (Initialization....say, isn't that another word for START?

Patience, persistence, and a lot of dumb luck.