Yesterday when I was playing GTA3 frame rates suddenly dropped, or shall I say, the game froze a few seconds at time. The sound started to crackle and the compo completely froze so I did it the engineer way and shutted it down.
When I turned it back on, the tellie crackled and popped in the back (got my G400 hooked up to the scart). I powered off again, removed the second vga-connector. Turned the power back on and discovered that I no more have any picture in my G400
After gathering my thoughts and checking the damage I discovered this :
Don't know about the rest of the computer but it seems to work, it beeped the "ok" beep when it started and the hdd seemed to start loading.
I wonder what happened here . Maybe it's because the compo-tellie-stereo is not earthed together but there's no earth contact on the tellie nor the stereo.
Remains to see what the insurance company will insult me with
When I turned it back on, the tellie crackled and popped in the back (got my G400 hooked up to the scart). I powered off again, removed the second vga-connector. Turned the power back on and discovered that I no more have any picture in my G400
After gathering my thoughts and checking the damage I discovered this :
- Secondary output on the G400 black and burned at the circuitboard
- Picture in the tellie is totally white and the circuitboard around the scart-contact is black and burned
- My brand new 3x240W Philips stereo which was connected to the tellie scart and the computer has no longer an working amplifier and can no longer read CD's
- the sound crackled a lot from the computer, I suspect that my brand new Fortissio II card has also got a punch
Don't know about the rest of the computer but it seems to work, it beeped the "ok" beep when it started and the hdd seemed to start loading.
I wonder what happened here . Maybe it's because the compo-tellie-stereo is not earthed together but there's no earth contact on the tellie nor the stereo.
Remains to see what the insurance company will insult me with