They come out with the Zip 100(Atapi/Paralell/SCSI and later USB 1.1) and the Jaz (SCSI) They were incredible. With the zip, you had a highly portable removable media storage drive. With the Jaz, you had hard drive like performance in a removable media format. Unfortunately, there was the click of death and the resulting class action law suit. They came out with the Zip 250 and Clik/Pocket Zip. Both failed to atain any signifcant popularity due to the onslaught of CD-R and CD-RW technology as well as other storage mediums.
The Peerless drive is flopping horribly. Now!, they come out with the Zip 750? It read ZIP 100s, read and write zip250s and do everything to ZIP 750s. It barely offers a capacity advantage to CD-Rs and CD-RWs especially with overburn. Why a new, pathetic successor to the already floundering Zip line. Clik/Pocket zip never took off. Peerless was too little too late. WHy! WHy!
I want some of what they're smoking!
Oh and what the heck were they thinking of with Active Disk?
The Peerless drive is flopping horribly. Now!, they come out with the Zip 750? It read ZIP 100s, read and write zip250s and do everything to ZIP 750s. It barely offers a capacity advantage to CD-Rs and CD-RWs especially with overburn. Why a new, pathetic successor to the already floundering Zip line. Clik/Pocket zip never took off. Peerless was too little too late. WHy! WHy!
I want some of what they're smoking!
Oh and what the heck were they thinking of with Active Disk?