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Maxtor MaxLine and MaXLine Plus HDD's....
MaxLine Plus II hdd's seem pretty cool! Wish I had 4 of them, don't know why I'd need so much space, oh yeah, for bragging rights!
Just imagine about 4-5 years ago. When an 850mb drive was big, hehe. WOW is what I'd say back then!Titanium is the new bling!
(you heard from me first!)
Three warranty as well. At that capacity you won't need a replacement for many years.
Won't touch Seagates. Had a bunch of those a while back and every one of them locked up during one of Seagates "stiction" episodes.
Never was tempted to try the steel wool/WD40 fix for that....
Dr. MordridDr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps