Well I did it...misflashed my BIOS on my A7S333. I accidently wiped out the BIOS section on Asus EzBios update (yeah easy my ass) instead of the boot block area, which was what the update was for. Anyone deal with ASUS with getting RMAs from them or am I'm better off getting an MSI 745 Ultra? If its going to take weeks for me to get an RMA I'll just get MSI board (if I can find one) and then sell the Asus board when I get it back....suggestions?
No announcement yet.
Oops Screwed up BIOS up....
I did get my Asus mobo fixed by Asus cause of a bad bios flash, but it was the store from which I bought it from that did the RMA. And it took a total of 2 weeks. I just told them that I couldn't boot cause I thought the bios was corrupt and they fixed it for free.Titanium is the new bling!
(you heard from me first!)
...my Gigabyte has dual bios. Guess that's why.
You could check out the Gigabyte GA-7VRXP, it has dual AMI bios.
How can you possibly take anything seriously?
Who cares?
If you have a friend with the SAME board, ask him to do this:
Boot his PC, dump his bios into a file (or use a flash utility to save it), carefuly remove the bios chip from the mb - while the system is running, insert your chip, flash it, and then swap back the original chip and power off.
Put it back on your mb, and boot...
I almost forgot: put the flash utility on a floppy and boot from it, don't load up windoze.Last edited by Gear; 21 September 2002, 11:45.Loose bits sink chips.
No riskier than having a dead MB... which could still be returned/RMA'd"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss
"Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain
Aye, but if you mess up your friend's PC, you have 2 dead boxes. And you have to be careful, lest the tampering if obvious. This is also assuming the flash rom is socketed.
That said, I'd still do it.Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.
IIRC I saw www.badflash.com link being suggested to someone with similar problems.
A colleague successfully did this when one of the BIOSes in computer training room crapped out (Identical computers: ABIT KT7, Durons)
- booted a healthy computer using floppy with biosflash
- hotswapped bad BIOS chip into good computer
- flashed it
I heard Asus tech support is not teh win but I newer dealt with it myself.
I've hotswapped the BIOS on cards to fizx faulty BIOS'es several times... Though I do work in a computershop and I've had easy access to more than 2 equal MBs :-) But the important point is that you need a decent chip removal tool or else you'll easily slip and kill your mb. And of course disonnect everything except 1 ram chip, CPU and VGA, if you're unlucky you really don't want to mess up more than necissary.
CobosMy Specs
AMD XP 1800+, MSI KT3 Ultra1, Matrox G400 32MB DH, IBM 9ES UW SCSI, Plextor 32X SCSI, Plextor 8x/2x CDRW SCSI, Toshiba 4.8X DVD ROM IDE, IBM 30GB 75GXP, IBM 60GB 60GXP, 120GB Maxtor 540X, Tekram DC390F UW, Santa Cruz Soundcard, Eizo 17'' F56 and Eizo 21'' T965' Selfmodded case with 2 PSU's.
Err... many mobos will in fact boot from a floppy even with a bad BIOS. The floppy should contain DOS, the flasher, and an autoexec.bat that has the unattended flash command line - which is probably available from ASUS.COM - give it a try, worked like a champ for my MSI when I hosed it once.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Originally posted by Gurm
Err... many mobos will in fact boot from a floppy even with a bad BIOS. The floppy should contain DOS, the flasher, and an autoexec.bat that has the unattended flash command line - which is probably available from ASUS.COM - give it a try, worked like a champ for my MSI when I hosed it once.
- Gurm
Mines dead...doesnt boot to anything...Anyway I went out and ordered a MSI 745 Ultra through Googlegear for $73 bucks with free 2 day shipping from FedEx. I'll get the Asus Board RMA'ed and Sell it when I get it back. Anyone interested?
Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?
Originally posted by GT98
Mines dead...doesnt boot to anything...Anyway I went out and ordered a MSI 745 Ultra through Googlegear for $73 bucks with free 2 day shipping from FedEx. I'll get the Asus Board RMA'ed and Sell it when I get it back. Anyone interested?
How much?Titanium is the new bling!
(you heard from me first!)
Nah, you couldn't pay me to use a VIA board at this point.
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed