Hey, quick question for any memory experts out there. I purchased a 512 meg PC3200 Mushkin stick of RAM for my new motherboard because Soyo recommended it as the type of memory to use if I wanted to run DDR400. Anyways all seemed well up until the Need For speed Hot Pursuit 2 demo came out, and I noticed corrupted sky textures. It wasn't the video card as I had originally expected, but it turned out to be my system ram clocked at 400 {even though no other games displayed any issues, which I found extremely odd}. Now my question is, this memory is rated at PC3200, 2.5-3-3, what timings would be used if I were to run the memory at PC2700 {333}? I'm currently running 'turbo timings' which result in 2-2-2 1t, seemed stable but didnt really have a chance to thoroughly test last night.
Thanks for your help,
Thanks for your help,