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DirectX 9.0 RC 0 : Public Beta

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  • #16
    i'm hearing these drivers acctually cause more problems in directx games on the 9700, dropper performance in some areas or causing massive amounts of stuttering (gee, never saw that one coming from an ATI graphics card).

    that being said, the switch over the DX9 shouldn't affect performance any how and any improvements in the drivers are just because of that... the drivers...

    i am hearing that it has fixed some artifact issues in certain cases in OpenGL, but not with any games that people play...
    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


    • #17
      Originally posted by Gurm
      More importantly, they added "smoothness" (bumped up minimum framerate, no doubt) for the then-new crop of games... like Neverwinter Nights.

      - Gurm
      But doesn't Neverwinter Nights use OpenGL?

      So any improvements would more than likely be due to better sound handing or something.


      • #18
        Originally posted by DGhost
        i'm hearing these drivers acctually cause more problems in directx games on the 9700, dropper performance in some areas or causing massive amounts of stuttering (gee, never saw that one coming from an ATI graphics card).
        Not here. About the same speed ("gained" ~100 3DMarks,games are about the same) and no stuttering (can't really say "less stuttering" as I've not suffered from stuttering before).
        But we named the *dog* Indiana...
        My System
        2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
        German ATI-forum


        • #19
          I will take a look into if these drivers help performance with the 9700.


          • #20
            I have been hearing it improve performance as well.
            Not peak framerates but average framrates which is excellent(smoother gaming)

            But apparently ATI 8500/9000 get a nice boost, by 97000's usually take a performance hit
            ATI has released a dx9 driver(beta) that goes with the dx9 MS release.

            And the occasional user has reported that it has there WIN XP systems from booting at all...(hence the warning on the MS site to set up a restore point)

            However I will wait for the offical DX9 release.


            • #21
              Performance seems to be roughly the same on the 9700, although somewhat less. But nothing you'll notice (~1-3%).


              • #22
                I'm waiting for the final release of DX9 and hope nVidia has a set of DX9 drivers (at least beta) by then.


                • #23
                  Bleh. Well, I tried these drivers out, and unlike the LAST set of DX9 drivers (which were AWESOME), these ones... to be blunt... SUCK.

                  Not only would the demos not run, but many many programs and games have issues with these. Bleh.

                  - Gurm
                  The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                  I'm the least you could do
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I would still get screwed


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Gurm
                    Not only would the demos not run, but many many programs and games have issues with these. Bleh.
                    Of course the demos don't run. They need DX9 hardware acceleration and won't run on old DX6/7/8 hardware. The same as the DX8 nature and pixelshader scenes in 3DMark (or the PixelShader effects in e.g. Morrowind) won't run on old DX6/7 hardware...

                    If you have a DX9 capable gfx-card with DX9-aware drivers you should get the demos to run. Until now there's only the Radeon9700 to fulfil these requirements - although I think it might be possible to run some demos on the Parhelia as well as this card has partial DX9 support and the drivers might be doing some lacking things in software - that is IF M gets their head out of their ***** and would release DX9 drivers.

                    Oh, no performance drop here on the R9700. Some people report OGL problems /stuttering in Q3-based games) when online, those mostly have Intel systems. In that case just revert the OGL dll to an older version and you'll be fine while keeping the DX9 capabilities.
                    But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                    My System
                    2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                    German ATI-forum


                    • #25
                      hmm just curious... don't know why i ask but...

                      for ppl who have seen/used both 9700 and P:
                      is the reef demo more impressive than the 9700 tech demos?

                      personally the 9700 car demo looks awesome with all the extended colour precision.


                      • #26
                        the DX9 drivers from ATI, are supposed to have a "fallback" for unsupported hardware features for 8500/9000. They say the demos's should run but not look as good...

                        Having said that people who use the dx9 from MS without the dx9 derivers from ATI seem to be having a lot less problems for games in general.(not the demo's)

                        I can wait for the offical DX9 and drivers thank you , but I am looking forward to them

