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WinXP Reactivation WTF

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  • #31
    I have XP as secondary OS on my other HDD because it suposedly runs a couple of games that W2K refuses to handle....
    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


    • #32
      Originally posted by albatorsk
      You press ALT+CTRL and F1 to F6 to get a console. All your graphics card has to support to do that is VGA. And if you'd read any documentation of the basics of Linux, you'd allready know that.
      If I remember correctly I was already at the command prompt outside of Xwindows and it was still doing the jig.
      Now trying find anything on the basic on Linux is very hard to do becuase the author suddenly gets bored and makes a jump ahead presuming that you know one little intermidate step. Had great fun trouble shooting Samba becuase of this.

      Leech Yup I did post that as it's normally quicker if things go tits up. Like I posted earlier in this thread I've edited the registry rather than doing a clean install. At work I would probably re-install windoze as time and workload is the determinining factor.
      Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
      Weather nut and sad git.

      My Weather Page


      • #33
        Yeah, but not everyone is a registry hacker. In fact hacking the registry is far more difficult and obscure than any text configuration file I've seen in linux. At least the linux stuff usually is extensively commented.

        Wah! Wah!

        In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.


        • #34
          Linux is extensively documented. Funny I tend find stuff isn't well documented I.E it's for the expert only and not for the newbie or doesn't apply to your distro or is completly wrong. Got to admit this is improving a lot though.
          At least under windoze it's very very rare when you install some software that you need xxxx installing. You find xxxx install it and it then says you need another xxxx and so on until you get fed becuase you're on Modem.
          Still is part of the fun when you a bit of spare time to play around.
          Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
          Weather nut and sad git.

          My Weather Page


          • #35
            I used to reinstall Windows98 quite a lot, mainly because editing the registry took longer (reinstalls were down to around 30min on my system iirc).

            With Windows 2000, I don't have to edit the registry to fix things. I know how to prevent stuff needing fixed


            Edit: Anyone that *isn't* a registry hacker will struggle to cope with Linux. I like checkboxes and text boxes to configure stuff, but httpd.conf isn't outwith my capabilities.
            Last edited by Pace; 30 December 2002, 06:07.
            Meet Jasmine.

