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multi-display, 2x 19in or 3x 17in?

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  • multi-display, 2x 19in or 3x 17in?

    Hi everybody.

    I would like to get a multi-display setup going but I have no
    idea on which one to settle for.

    After I bought my Parhelia, the next step I had planned was
    to replace my current 17in and 15in monitors with a pair of
    Viewsonics P90F (best monitors I could afford for budget and
    for the graphics work I do).

    But after carefully analyzing my options, with the maximum
    amount I'm willing put on the monitors being $900 CDN, I'm
    debating if I should stick with getting 2 x 19in monitors or go
    for 3 x 17in monitors.

    My desk is big enough to take either or. I'm just not sure
    which one to go for.

    Can anyone give me some advice?

    Thanx ahead of time

  • #2
    Depends how manny applications you use.

    1280x960x2 = 2.457600Mpixels
    1024x768x3 = 2.359296Mpixels

    I don't know about prices over there, but here dual 19's would cost slightly more than triple 17's of about same quality.

    As you can see, dual 19" will yield negligible 4% more screen real estate.

    Depends what kind of work you do.

    If you run more than 1 or 2 apps all the time (IE check mail very often, have multiple browsers, explorers.... open all the time) I'm suggesting 3 17"s

    Howver if you mainly work in 1 or two major graphic apps (Photochop and say Illustrator) most of the time and check mail and internet seldomly during work, I'm suggesting dual 19"s

    Dual 19"'s will give you independant gamma and you'll also be able to run them at higher (1400x1050 or 1600x1200) resolution. You can also add third 19" latter, since they're not too expensive and if you have desk space for 3 17"s 3 19"s are possible.

    On the other hand if you game it would be cool to enjoy occasional surround gaming, since you spent money for Parhelia.

    It pretty much boils down to what you do with the machine.


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick reply UtwigMU

      I was so focused on my current budget for the screens that
      I never imagined of getting 2x 19in ones now and get a 3rd
      one later on this year!

      Silly me

      I do alot graphics work mostly for the web and occasiona-
      ly for printing so alot of times I have Photoshop, Illustrator,
      Dreamweaver and WSFTP all opened up.

      I dont play alot of games but fortunetly for me, the ones I
      do in my spare time are on the list of 'surround gaming' o-
      ver at Matrox website.

      Thanks again

