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CAS Latency and timings.

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  • #16
    OK, just read it up: one cycle for PC133 RAM is 7.5 ns. Ony PC100 Cycle is 10 ns. So a CAS Latency of three PC133 cycles takes 22.5 ns, and a CAS Latency of 2 PC100 Cycles takes 20 ns. This means you can't be 100% sure that this stuff will run at CL2 @ 100 MHz, but it really should, since 20 ns isn't that far from 22.5 ns, for which they're guaranteed to work.

    Last edited by az; 9 May 2003, 02:59.
    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #17
      Oh, and you could set your Precharge and RAS to CAS delay to 2 cycles as well for 100 MHz use, most likely, for the reasons described above

      There's an Opera in my macbook.


      • #18
        Mmmm, 512MB PC133 memory running in my PC100 motherboard at CAS2.

        One booth at the show said 256MB PC133 $37. I asked the guy if he had any PC133 double sided 256MB. He said yes. "How much" says I. He says $74. I says bubbye!

        Got it for $41 at a nearby booth. Got a copy of Windows 2000 ($105) Professional from group of tables run by two lovely ladies as well as a copy of Norton Antivirus 2003 ($10) and two copies of Norton Antivirus 2002 Professional ($5 each).

        Found a copy of Unreal Gold for $10. My copy of Unreal got too scratched up.

        I haven't had the money to go for over a year and a half. That felt good!


        • #19

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #20
            Got 512 megs of PC133 running at 120 MHz, CAS2. Asus TUSL2-C, i815EP chipset.


            • #21
              I'd love to be able to do that but my computer starts going kersplooie no matter what kind of mmeory I use. I can only set ram frequeucny which causes the AGP and PCI frequencies to go too high and malfunction. I am still happy though!



              • #22
                Oops! Gotta adjust my sig.

                Last edited by High_Jumbllama; 10 May 2003, 14:45.


                • #23
                  TEH BUNNY!!!!!!!!!1111

                  There's an Opera in my macbook.


                  • #24
                    Along the same lines, I have two 256mb DDR400 sticks in my PC, now after a quick browse of the internet, I discovered to get the memory to run at 400mhz I have to put my clock multiplier to 150mhz (which brings my CPU to 3449mhz). The thing I don't understand is that when overclocked my CPU only goes up an extra 6 degrees to 131 F. But apparently something is still running too hot or there are some other stability issues.

                    I even tried it with locking my AGP/PCI at 66/33mhz and still I had it lock up. I did manage to get Sandra to do a ram test at the 400mhz level, and it scored 2900mb/s as opposed to the 2500mb/s that I get when only clocking my memory to 355mhz. So the extra memory bandwidth is a pretty decent difference. I've tried switching the CAS and it didn't mind it at 333mhz, but anything higher, it didn't like it at 2. The chips, according to Intel's site, are rated for 3-4-4. The chips themselves are Samsung K4H560838D-TCC4.

                    I could understand why it was locking up if it were a heat problem, but the heat difference is pretty small...... It locks on 3dMark2001SE and also with Sandra's CPU arithmetic test.

                    Wah! Wah!

                    In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jon P. Inghram
                      Got 512 megs of PC133 running at 120 MHz, CAS2. Asus TUSL2-C, i815EP chipset.
                      Got all 3 Sockets full with 128MB SD running at 133MHz FSB, CAS2, AOpen AX6BC-ProIIME BX chipset. AGP at 133/2 and G400 never complains.
                      IIRC PC133 DIMMs only need to run at CAS3 to be badged as such, but the *Good* stuff runs stable at CAS2. I must have 3 sticks of the good stuff... not that it matters cause it's ALL considered slow crap now.
                      Alcohol and Drugs make life tolerable.


                      • #26
                        Have 2x256MB PC133 7ns Micron memory running @ 133CAS2.

                        CAS3->CAS2 jump was noticable.

                        DFI P2XBL BX board.

                        However the whole system is not stable @ 140, but I'm not blaming the memory.

