Is Ati dualhead quality wise any good. I'm running now Nokia 446Pro 19" crt and Hyundai Q17S with dualhead on G400MAX.
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ati radeon 9800 dualhead quality
Depending on how good your mince pies are. I would say the G400 would be better expect in games. It depends what you're doing.
If you're working in 2d stick with the G400 if you like gaming a lot 9800 is the way to go.
By the way mince pies == eyes.
Well my work involves having picture open in Photoshop on one monitor and Word document open on the other. I also use cad, mainly Autocad for 2d and Microstation for 3d. Before using dualhead i used tv out to my 32" tv for dvd viewing. Perhaps Parhelia would serve me best, i only play occasinally, but wuold like to have option to also play. And it is not and option to by both Parhelia and radeon, i thinkdont't know, maby i'm just asking too much
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Stick to G400 for serious dualhead.
The quality of the second screen is considerably worse with the Radeon's I'm using. I'm back to my old G400 for (DH) photo/video editing after a (long) while using R8500 and R9800's. Image quality of multi monitor G400 is still unmatched. Happy with my card again, bought it in '99 (!).
Just my opinion.
My 9700 does multimonitor perfectly. The image quality, as far as I can see it, is top notch on both monitors. I have a LCD Sony S71R as primary and a Samsung 900P as secondary, running both at 1280x1024 - 60hz for LCD and 85Hz for CRT.
Add UltraMon (a very nice multimonitor utility) to it and there you go.
Second output quality on all cards except Matrox's is mediocre at best, the first output might actually be good (not very good though, but you won't use 1600 on a 19" anyway).
I'd say if you play very occasionally, and don't plan on playing HL2, get a used Parhelia. If you don't think you'll play even that much, a p750 might fit your bill, or a p650 if you don't need TV out and dualhead at the same time. If you plan on playing games in the future, a 9800 would be the best choice. And if you're happy right now, why bother?
Got two identical IIyama Pro450 19" crt's. I've tried swapping the monitors and swapping the inputs (D-Sub and RGB). The secundary screen is always less sharp and has flatter colors using ATI Radeon 8500 and Hercules 3D Prophet 9800 Pro. Everybody can tell.
With the G400 there is no difference between the monitors no matter what input used. Used resolution 1280x1024@85. Tried a retired G450 and same conlusion.
Primary display quality of Radeon is OK to me though.
I was dissapointed with the output on my ATI built R9700 Pro, even on the primary output to my CRT montor I had at the time (Cornerstone C1045 IIRC), but with my Dell LCD its fine, though I get werid redlines on webpages with dark backgrounds and I even played around with the LCD output levels and still no satified solution for it.Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?
OK, thanks for replies. G400 works fine in dual head and don't want to by for example radeon 9800 just for gaming. I kind of miss the tv out, so parhelia would solve that problem. I don't play really fast action games (if you don't count Max Payne, MOHAA, Thief2, Deus Ex etc. to them)
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