1. So if you're using Bit Torrent and a lot of the time your little status thingy is YELLOW... or if you're using another client and you don't SEE the status thingy...
Make sure you open ports 6881 to 6889 in your firewall. It makes a HUGE difference. My Linksys router was automatically returning calls, and I was doing OK but some torrents went very slow and some clients were never found, etc.
I opened up those ports for forwarding to my XP box, and all of a sudden WOW I got better performance.
2. SET THE RIGHT SPEED. This may sound silly, but you HAVE to set your actual speed. You'd think that "unlimited" would be good, but in reality I got MUCH better performance (and less swamped network connections) setting my connection to "Cable/Slow". Make sure to set it to the speed of your OUTBOUND connection. I have 384K upstream, so my effective outbound speed is between 32KB and 40KB on any given day. I set each torrent to allow 4 users and a maximum of 13K upload, and all of a sudden POW my downloads run twice as fast, because I can actually deliver the right speed. If I only have one torrent going, I raise the slider to 30K and go even faster.
It sounds silly or overly obvious, but the protocol is actually smart enough to measure your actual throughput against what you promise to deliver, and then give you as much back as you need.
- Gurm
Make sure you open ports 6881 to 6889 in your firewall. It makes a HUGE difference. My Linksys router was automatically returning calls, and I was doing OK but some torrents went very slow and some clients were never found, etc.
I opened up those ports for forwarding to my XP box, and all of a sudden WOW I got better performance.
2. SET THE RIGHT SPEED. This may sound silly, but you HAVE to set your actual speed. You'd think that "unlimited" would be good, but in reality I got MUCH better performance (and less swamped network connections) setting my connection to "Cable/Slow". Make sure to set it to the speed of your OUTBOUND connection. I have 384K upstream, so my effective outbound speed is between 32KB and 40KB on any given day. I set each torrent to allow 4 users and a maximum of 13K upload, and all of a sudden POW my downloads run twice as fast, because I can actually deliver the right speed. If I only have one torrent going, I raise the slider to 30K and go even faster.
It sounds silly or overly obvious, but the protocol is actually smart enough to measure your actual throughput against what you promise to deliver, and then give you as much back as you need.
- Gurm