Crash Crash Crash Crash.
Okay lets run memtest, memory error at blah blah Memory error etc. Okay lets try normal memory settings. Memtest pass pass. Okay I'll run it over night. Lets have a game of UT2003 crash and crash.
Pull out the memory and run tests on single simms 2nd simm the 512 of course memory errors.
Dump that put all the others on run memtest not fully no errors of course after I come out of the loo.
I reckon the bastard been faulty all along. One slight snag the company I bought it from supplied me with 1.5 gig of incorrect items. I.E the stuff I bought was sold as 2.5 cas. It arrived as cas 2.
Going to run memtest overnight to make sure on the remaining mods but it looks like I need another 512mb of ddr 400 Corsair ram. Whats there rma like???
Okay lets run memtest, memory error at blah blah Memory error etc. Okay lets try normal memory settings. Memtest pass pass. Okay I'll run it over night. Lets have a game of UT2003 crash and crash.
Pull out the memory and run tests on single simms 2nd simm the 512 of course memory errors.
Dump that put all the others on run memtest not fully no errors of course after I come out of the loo.
I reckon the bastard been faulty all along. One slight snag the company I bought it from supplied me with 1.5 gig of incorrect items. I.E the stuff I bought was sold as 2.5 cas. It arrived as cas 2.
Going to run memtest overnight to make sure on the remaining mods but it looks like I need another 512mb of ddr 400 Corsair ram. Whats there rma like???