Ok, so I'm sitting in front my computer, watching 24 through DScaler, and adding a few things here and there to my overnet download.... .then for some strange reason my 73gb 10k rpm Ultra160 SCSI harddrive starts making this annoying knocking sound, and windows all but crashes.... Though of course 24 is still running smoothly. So I scream "Oh !@#$" and turn off my PC. So then I load up into linux. Drive acts fine, I run smartctl -a /dev/sda and it reports that it's running at 35 C and the max temp should be 75C. Ok, temperature is good..... Now, I start Overnet under linux... which has as a shared directory, my windows' Overnet.... Well, here comes that knocking sound again.... So off goes the computer. Now if I even select WindowsXP from Lilo, then the screen goes blank and I get the knocking sound. But I KNOW the drive is not dead, 'cause I can read from it under linux (in fact right now I'm running a test on it and moving files off of it at the same time... It's taking quite some time, but most of the time it's pausing, waiting for my UltraSCSI 2 (80mb/s rather than the 160/s) drive that has linux on it... So something isn't quite right here. I tried switching spots on the cabling, and with the power connectors and I had the same thing....
Any ideas? Did I get a virus, or is Overnet's hashing causing the issues? (though I wouldn't think that would affect Windows' boot process....)
Any ideas? Did I get a virus, or is Overnet's hashing causing the issues? (though I wouldn't think that would affect Windows' boot process....)