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Echo Fireworks!!!

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  • Echo Fireworks!!!

    I don't know how I missed this, but Echo digital audio has announced their forth coming line of firewire sound cards. They will be sporting some type of new audio technology called FireWorks, and will use TI and Analog Devices DSP's, firewire controllers and DACs.

    For those who are wondering why they would use TI DSP's, TI bought out BurrBrown who used to make some of the best DSP's and DAC's out there. Echo also does designs for TI, so it seems fitting.

    I can't wait

    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

  • #2
    Why put it on the firewire bus unless its going to be used on a Laptop
    Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


    • #3
      Let's see:
      * Bandwidth
      * Appeal for Mac users (they like to just plug in new devices, and this will let them.
      * Hook it up to your camcorder, or maybe even your cable box?
      Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


      • #4
        any idea when these will come to market?and what the prices will be?
        is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
        Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


        • #5

          Ditto on what Wombat said. But for laptops, Echo uses their Indigo line (I have the basic one and it is fantastic). I have not seen the feature set for the Fireworks-based firewire boxes so I cannot be 100% as to what market and purpose they are shooting for. I can however guess.

          1) laptops - something between the Indigo and their professional solutions (Gina & Layla) that can be portable for DJ's and recording professionals, for both PC and Mac users. This would be ideal since the number of PCMCIA slots on the average laptop is diminishing, while th enumber of firewire ports is increasing.

          2) Recording - depending on what features they put in, it could be a good fit for people who want the break-out box of higher end pro recording cards without the price tag.

          3) HTPC - I can see people like me using them for SFF computers. Better sounding, but no need to use my precious single PCI slot that I would like to dedicate to a HDTV tuner card.

          4) Them silly Mac'ers - Nothing says Mac like firewire upgrades


          Knowing what Echo has done with their Indigo line, and some info about some past scrapped projects, I would guess there would be severl versions. My guess would be a gamer/HT user box with your basic stereo, surround gaming and SPDIF outputs, with a couple of inputs and other small goodies for home theater use. I would suspect a product like this to be around $150 USD.

          A second one as a lower-end recording box. This would have multiple inputs and maybe an extra set of outputs. Something like this I would guess in the range of $200-$250.

          At the rough same price range I can see them making a DJ version, like they did with their Indigo. Triple outputs (2 for mixing, one for headphone/monitor) and a some inputs and mixers.

          They may even release a beastly firewire solution with 4 inputs and all the goodies. Can't say for sure.

          But I would suspect the one that most MURC'ers (less designers and media junkies) would want in the $150-$200 USD price range.

          “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
          –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


          • #6
            cheers Jamrock, very much into recording music here, nothing too technical, just guitars and vocals, and was looking for something a little more specialised than the audigy i have at the moment, it does a decentish job but has a distinct lack of inputs, was going to upgrade to one of the audigies with the frontplate, but now you say about these guys they seem to fit the bill for me perfectly.BurrBrown are legendary for their mid-high end DACS with the UK hifi press.
            is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
            Talk about a dream, try to make it real.


            • #7
              aye ... As Doc M will tell you, Echo makes incredible pro sound cards. I think he has a Gina, and he loves it. I have the Indigo, and I think it sounds better with my Senn HD-570 headphones that it does with my Audigy Platinum. Anywho ... time will tell what features they put in.

              I've petitioned Echo for some more info so I can write it up on TFT. If they give me some info, and not under NDA, I'll be sure to post and PM you.

              “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
              –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett


              • #8
                thanks a lot for the heads up
                is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
                Talk about a dream, try to make it real.

