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Wow 400gb Sata

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  • #16
    In high school, our computer club ran a popular BBS. We used a 4-floppy (360k - DS/DD disks - w00t) system - 2 disks during boot, then 2 different disks in the drives (A+B) during run. The trouble was, if the system went down over the weekend, it wouldn't restart.

    So, we decided to buy a hard drive. (the computer was an original PC - 4.77MHz 8088, I think we had upgraded the RAM to 256k or so, but I'm not sure.

    Anyway, we had a computer fair to raise money, and did other things during the year. Finally, we got a donation for the last of the cash - $895 for a 10 MEG external hard drive (the "Sider")

    Yes - you can now buy a 1TB array of IDE drives for that much money.

    In fact, each of the drives in your 1TB array has a CACHE that's almost the size of our old drive.

    Yeah - those were the days.

    - Steve


    • #17
      The 386 I got in 1993 (paid for a lot of it myself) ran me 2050 DEM =~$1460.

      It was bottom of the line as 486 DX66 was fastest on the market and I had 120MB drive, while 500MB were arround.

      KvH - My If I win the lottery system is very similar to yours.

      And also the dual G5 Powermac costs ~$4300 here, for which dual Opteron system with SCSI drives is possible.

      So Macs are still overpriced.
      Last edited by UtwigMU; 14 March 2004, 02:19.


      • #18
        if i wone the lottery... .... god knows i would spend it all on a supper AVID editig system... a Supper sound recording system and a SGI 3D animation system.....

        then factor in all the extras.... solid stage drives ... high end mics pres and all other audio stuff.... HD (top of the line made for cinema) cameras.... welp that should total to a minmum of about $3mill
        "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

