This is just to get a general idea of what CPU your dream system (or the best practical equivalent) would feature if you were to build it within the next 4 months or so..
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Which Processor Would You Buy?
i'ed go for a xeon... and will probably soon.... but i would rather wait for jayhawk/lindenhurst or what comes directly after them as a better bet when things will settle down somewhat interms of all the new technology that is being introduced... 64bitness, PCI-Ex, SATA, SAS, DDR-II, the new Rumbus tech. etc.. etc.. oh and especialy HDDs with 500GB+ capacities (hopfuly Solid state discks will be realy cheap by then)
"They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"
If I had the dosh the FX after the next socket.
Originally posted by Marshmallowman
Dual opteron for me, but there is still no suitable workstation boards available (for my tastes)
I think the upgrade path on a dual opteron board is going to be huge.
ooh, that is getting very close.
The PCI-X slots are a bit of overkill, but I could ceratinly find a use for normal PCI at 66mhz, but full PCI-X may be overkill for my needs.
Do you think the first crop of PCI-ex boards are going to be cheaper than PCI-X?
I will keep my eye on that board, when was it released?
For those considering FX: You can get single lowend 1XX Opteron, which is practically same CPU and overclock.
Otherwise, CPU choice totally depends on the purpouse and budget of the rig.
If I had unlimited funds, I'd get dual Opterons, however Thunder K8W is a bit on the big, while Tiger K8W on the small side (no 64-bit slots).
Waiting for some BTX-PCI-Express-AMD64-non-reg-RAM type system to land in my lap for as little as possible money (maybe with a new graphics card - see how the NV40/R420 battle opens things up over the next 6 months...) But to be quite honest a 3200+ speed Barton with Parhelia is good enough at the mo - the only upgrade I am thinking of in the next month or two is to move to a gig of PC3200 memory (from 512 of PC2700 at the moment)DM says: Crunch with Matrox
I'd go with either an Athlon64 or an FX chip.
As an experiment I'd like to get a Prescott and see if I can cook food on the heatsink, and then laugh at the slower than P4 performance
I'm glad nobody picked the P4 Extremely Expensive Edition yet