I had a millennium g400 for a long time and a g200 for a second monitor.
this second monitor needs a fixed frequency and negative! sync.
I configured this without problems and saved it for later use in an mpr file which I could reopen and use after reinstall or something.
now I got a new box with a p750 and the acompaning powerdesk.
I can not find a possibility to enter frequency or sync and no option to reuse that mpr file..
could anybody help me please?
monitor details can be found here.
thanks in advance!
I had a millennium g400 for a long time and a g200 for a second monitor.
this second monitor needs a fixed frequency and negative! sync.
I configured this without problems and saved it for later use in an mpr file which I could reopen and use after reinstall or something.
now I got a new box with a p750 and the acompaning powerdesk.
I can not find a possibility to enter frequency or sync and no option to reuse that mpr file..
could anybody help me please?
monitor details can be found here.
thanks in advance!