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wtf is Sarbanes-Oxley compliance?

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  • wtf is Sarbanes-Oxley compliance?

    Is it one of those American ideas?
    Nothing is impossible, some things are just unlikely.

  • #2
    It's an absolute f***ker. If you really really want the details then I can post at great length... Or have you more specific concerns?
    DM says: Crunch with Matrox


    • #3
      It's just this rather weighty document entitled "Corporate Security Policy and Procedures" appeared on my desk. And i'm trying to work my way through it. And I had never heard of that act.

      Seems like alot of hassle for my branch office. 11 pc's and a simple file server. Looks like i will have a sharp leaning curve ahead.
      Nothing is impossible, some things are just unlikely.


      • #4
        OK, briefly copying-and-pasting with some edits from the most concise internal guidelines I could find here:

        • Enterprise priority - not ‘nice to have’
        • Failure means major reputation damage and more business distraction
        • One material weakness by any business => failure for the Group
        • Business leaders accountable for compliance
        • Resource intensive – must have priority over discretionary activity
        • SOX404 is here to stay – controls must stay SOX compliant year after year

        What is it?
        • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) passed in 2002, following Enron & Worldcom failures, intended to protect investors by improving reliability of corporate disclosures.
        • New requirements for companies listed in USA
        • S.404 deals with Internal Control over Financial Reporting

        Would does it mean for your company?
        • Principal executive & financial officers to provide a written assessment on effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of 31/12/2005, and annually thereafter.
        • External auditors to provide independent opinion

        What will you have to do?
        • Evaluate effectiveness of control over financial reporting
        • Support evaluation with evidence, including DOCUMENTATION
        • Ensure effectiveness of design and operation through TESTING.
        • Applies to whole system of control - including “tone from the top”

        How are we doing it at my company?
        • A central, directive Programme team – incorporating implementation managers in each business
        • A single Group-wide methodology and approach, consistently implemented by the businesses.
        • The Programme is Finance led but Business driven.

        If that comes across as gobbledegook, I can probably translate...
        DM says: Crunch with Matrox

