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Opera Question (az???)

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  • #16
    I think they're getting ready for release; the Beta's been out for a while now, and since a few days none of the Opera employee's blogs have been updated, which either means they are hard at work or have been told not to waste too much work time (which I can't quite believe, because interaction with the user base is one of the big assets of Opera Software).

    I wouldn't bet on february (though I'm hoping), but I would bet money on first quarter.

    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #17
      There is, however, a security upgrade, 7.54u2, download here (no release notes yet).

      There's an Opera in my macbook.


      • #18
        Another Opera Question.

        When validating a file with w3c) which is in a protected directory, right-click and validate works great, the validate button however prompts for the username and password.

        Anyway to get the button to operate the same way as the right click menu?


        • #19
          Phew, that's too system-level for me, but you will get an answer if you post on (I think customization would be the right forum for this)

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #20
            How does one add search fields to google search dropdown bar (the one that also contains amazon and download searches)?

            I'd like to add and to the drop down menu.


            • #21
              With OpSEd: (you could of course also manually edit the search.ini file if you were masochistic)

              you actually do not need the search field, you can also type "g searchword" in the address field (you can define these quickkeys with opsed, too - I have g for google, gi for google images, a for alltheweb, ai for alltheweb images, leo for leo, w for wikipedia, wd for wikipedia deutsch, imdb for imdb, ebay for ebay, gt for

              There's an Opera in my macbook.


              • #22
                Az, is there a way to make Opera accept CTRL+Enter in adress bar/URL field thingy as command to add "www." prefix and ".com" suffix to typed text and go to URL?

                Is there a way to perform google i'm feeling lucky search from url bar and take you to page?

                IE when I type "qute firefox" in Firefox location bar it takes me to Qute Theme for Firefox homepage.

                Opera just returns error. http://qutefirefox is not available from this machine.


                • #23
                  The first is done automatically when you omit BOTH the www. and the .tld - to improve performance, go to preferences -> network -> server name completion and untick "search for local network machine".

                  The second is not possible in this way, but you could of course define a new search with google's i'm feeling lucky using OpSEd, and then use "l qute opera skin" (if you have defined l as the quick access key for this search). And yes, there is a qute opera skin, just click this link.

                  There's an Opera in my macbook.


                  • #24
                    Typing g qute firefox will search google using an unmodified setup. Opera strips all of the spaces out of phrases if the search modifiers are missing.

                    In addition to adding the www and com to make urls, Opera can be set to try any of the prefixes and suffixes you want. (net,org,com,...)



                    • #25
                      I have mutltiple user accounts on the machine.

                      I have tweaked/set preferences for opera under one account.

                      Now I'd like to import same preferences to other accounts.

                      How do I do this?


                      • #26
                        Type opera:about in the address field, you will see the Opera directories. By default this is either (for a single-user installation) in the profiles subfolder of the Opera program folder, or for a multi-user installation in c:\documents and settings\username\application data\Opera\profile\ or thereabouts. On my system with my account it's C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Fritz\Anwendungsdaten\Opera\Opera7\p rofile\

                        You should be able to just copy the contents of your profile folder to the other profile folders.

                        There's an Opera in my macbook.


                        • #27
                          Here is Opera's take on it:

                          If you copy over your opera6.ini file and you are using other email accounts you will have to change the email section of the ini file. Also the directory structure will need to be modifed in the ini file if you want the accounts completely separate.



                          • #28
                            You can use relative paths for everything but email IIRC.

                            There's an Opera in my macbook.

