Ok, I need some help concerning the range of memory cards.... So, can anyone answer my questions:
1. Can MMC cards be used in SD devices?
2. In what way are RS/MMC and miniSD interchangeable (in for instance an SD device)?
3. There are adapters to make an MMC card from a RS/MMC card. Can the obtained MMC card be used in an MMC to CF adapter? And what about in a SD to CF adapter (prob. related to 1.)?
4. There are adapters to make an SD card from a miniSD card. And finally, can the thusly obtained SD card be used in an SD to CF card adapter?
Reason for asking: I'm looking at a PDA with an SD slot, but my mobile has an RS/MMC slot, and my camera a CF-card slot. It would be fun (but also useful) if RS/MMC cards could be used in all three, just by using a correct adapter.
Ok, I need some help concerning the range of memory cards.... So, can anyone answer my questions:
1. Can MMC cards be used in SD devices?
2. In what way are RS/MMC and miniSD interchangeable (in for instance an SD device)?
3. There are adapters to make an MMC card from a RS/MMC card. Can the obtained MMC card be used in an MMC to CF adapter? And what about in a SD to CF adapter (prob. related to 1.)?
4. There are adapters to make an SD card from a miniSD card. And finally, can the thusly obtained SD card be used in an SD to CF card adapter?
Reason for asking: I'm looking at a PDA with an SD slot, but my mobile has an RS/MMC slot, and my camera a CF-card slot. It would be fun (but also useful) if RS/MMC cards could be used in all three, just by using a correct adapter.