"with having to leave the computer plugged in for around 15 minutes." Probably was a bad capacitor.
Here is my update of the problem:
I believe it's fixed as I am able to run both old and new components without problem. The trick is: don't use the case's power switch!
My friends and myself still don't believe the little case power switch can cause such a problem but my desktop is running fine without plugging in the case's wires.
- With the MSI mainboard (with ATI Radeon 9500 videocard), I have absolutely no problem at all.
- With the new ASUS mainboard (with Geforce 6600GT videocard), I experience some No Post problem when plugging in new components. Removing the videocard and inserting in back again or few turning ON/OFF would resolve the problem.
Both system configurations are still using the old CPU but with new PSU.
For far so good. It is running smoothly only a bit irritated for having to use a metal to short the 2 Power-Switch pins on the mainboard to turn ON/OFF.