I have a drive that I moved from a broken computer.
It was a raid mirror.
When I try to access the files I get a no access error.
Like I don't have rights to it.
But, I am logged on as administrator.
There doesn't seem to be any way for me to take over the drive.
I know the files are there because:
1, MS backup can see them.
2, Norton Disk Doctor can see them
I haven't tried using backup to move them and then restore to a new partiton because
I assume they will restore with the same security level.
Is this wrong?
NDD won't touch it.
How can a drive in a computer be locked away from the Administrator account?
How can I take it over?
I tried setting the admin password to the pw it had on the old computer, but that didn't help.
Might renaming my computer to the name of the old one help?
Obviously, I don't know much about admin stuff in XP.
PS workgroup, not domain
It was a raid mirror.
When I try to access the files I get a no access error.
Like I don't have rights to it.
But, I am logged on as administrator.
There doesn't seem to be any way for me to take over the drive.

I know the files are there because:
1, MS backup can see them.
2, Norton Disk Doctor can see them
I haven't tried using backup to move them and then restore to a new partiton because
I assume they will restore with the same security level.
Is this wrong?
NDD won't touch it.
How can a drive in a computer be locked away from the Administrator account?
How can I take it over?
I tried setting the admin password to the pw it had on the old computer, but that didn't help.
Might renaming my computer to the name of the old one help?
Obviously, I don't know much about admin stuff in XP.
PS workgroup, not domain