Nice little article about the impending move from the 2.5 decade old BIOS to the newer EFI/UEFI pre-boot management system. Intel's EFI 1.1, which the current x86 Macs use, will be replaced by a consortium driven UEFI 2.0 specification due out 1Q 06. By summer time, many of the major PC players plan on starting a slow switch to UEFI in 2006, followed by a flood of UEFI equipment in 2007.
Some of the new features in UEFI 2.0/.1 looks pretty interesting. There are options to have the OS boot loader built into UEFI, instead of using up partition space on a HDD to do so. Vista will be fully UEFI compatible. UEFI hardware will/should have generic drivers built into them so simply inserting a new device into a system should yield instant basic usage. Network authentication and discovery pre-OS. IPv6 and cryptography are supposed to be added in 2.1. And a few other nifty tricks.
By the time I buy my next system UEFI will probably be the only option for me
