Microsoft today decided to try to sneak one past us, and updated the Windows Genuine Advantage tool!
As you all know, WGA is that thing which prevents us from updating Windows unless we have a valid license key.
And as you all also know, it's defeated quite easily by simply doing "manage add-ons" in Internet Explorer, and turning it off. *snicker*
Today Windows Update asked me to install an update to the updating system. So I did... and lo and behold WGA was back with a new version, and when I tried to disable it, it said "This add-on is managed by your administrator."
Well huh, I said. I logged in as administrator... STILL couldn't fiddle.
So I did some prodding...
And determined that the update installed a per-user deny access restriction for that add-on... for every user.
Easily beaten by going in RegEdit to:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Pol icies\Ext
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Pol icies\Ext
And making sure the CLSID for WGA is deleted from all the subkeys.
You'd think MS would learn!
As you all know, WGA is that thing which prevents us from updating Windows unless we have a valid license key.
And as you all also know, it's defeated quite easily by simply doing "manage add-ons" in Internet Explorer, and turning it off. *snicker*
Today Windows Update asked me to install an update to the updating system. So I did... and lo and behold WGA was back with a new version, and when I tried to disable it, it said "This add-on is managed by your administrator."
Well huh, I said. I logged in as administrator... STILL couldn't fiddle.
So I did some prodding...
And determined that the update installed a per-user deny access restriction for that add-on... for every user.
Easily beaten by going in RegEdit to:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Pol icies\Ext
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Pol icies\Ext
And making sure the CLSID for WGA is deleted from all the subkeys.

You'd think MS would learn!