Just thought I'd give a little update on it, seeing as most of you probably forgot about it 
"3D Realms' trademark sense of humor is still intact. "Duke is a man's man. He drinks He smokes. He enjoys women. Every other game that comes out is World War II or dead serious. Duke is about being the ultimate alien ass kicker".
"We've been tech complete for a year. The last year has been making the game, putting the pieces together.""
from http://www.3drealms.com/, March 29, 2006.
And they still just say it will be out "when it's done"
Out for xmas?

"3D Realms' trademark sense of humor is still intact. "Duke is a man's man. He drinks He smokes. He enjoys women. Every other game that comes out is World War II or dead serious. Duke is about being the ultimate alien ass kicker".
"We've been tech complete for a year. The last year has been making the game, putting the pieces together.""
from http://www.3drealms.com/, March 29, 2006.
And they still just say it will be out "when it's done"
Out for xmas?