I need to know how easy it is to use OpenText/Livelink cms to get data out of Oracle HR dynamically, and if access levels will be respected when doing so.
[b][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Creating an Application Context: Example[/font][/b] This example uses the PL/SQL package emp_mgmt, created in [url="http://oraclesvca2.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a96540/statements_67a.htm#2065355"]"Creating a Package: Example"[/url], which validates and secures the hr application. The following statement creates the context namespace hr_context and associates it with the package emp_mgmt: CREATE CONTEXT hr_context USING emp_mgmt; You can control data access based on this context using the SYS_CONTEXT function. For example, suppose your emp_mgmt package has defined an attribute new_empno as a particular employee identifier. You can secure the base table employees by creating a view that restricts access based on the value of new_empno, as follows: CREATE VIEW hr_org_secure_view AS SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id = SYS_CONTEXT('hr_context', 'new_empno');
select glcc.segment1 segment1, glcc.segment2 segment2, substr(glcc.segment3, 1, 2) budget_group, glcc.segment3 segment3, '*' post_status, sysdate report_date, glcc.code_combination_id ccid, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'B', nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0), 0)) budget_amt, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'A', nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0), 0)) actual_amt, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'A', nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0), 0)) actual_ptd, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'E', nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0), 0)) encumbrance_amt, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'E', decode(pac.encumbrance_type_id, '1000', (nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0)), 0), 0)) encumbrance_commited, sum(decode(pac.actual_flag, 'E', decode(pac.encumbrance_type_id, '1001', (nvl(pac.accounted_dr, 0) - nvl(pac.accounted_cr, 0)), 0), 0)) encumbrance_obligated from gl_code_combinations glcc, gl_bc_packet_arrival_order arr, gl_bc_packets pac, (select v.budget_version_id bvid, trim(to_char(p.period_year)) bud_year from gl_budget_versions v, gl_budgets b, gl_periods p where b.budget_name = :ls_budget_name and v.budget_name = b.budget_name and p.period_name = b.first_valid_period_name) bud where nvl(pac.budget_version_id, bud.bvid) = bud.bvid and arr.affect_funds_flag = 'Y' and arr.packet_id = pac.packet_id and pac.set_of_books_id = arr.set_of_books_id and pac.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id and glcc.summary_flag = 'N' and glcc.segment1 between :fund_low and :fund_high and glcc.segment2 between :center_low and :center_high and glcc.segment3 between '50000' and '59999' and glcc.segment4 = bud.bud_year group by glcc.code_combination_id, glcc.segment1, glcc.segment2, substr(glcc.segment3, 1, 2), glcc.segment3 union all select /*+ ordered */glcc.segment1 segment1, glcc.segment2 segment2, substr(glcc.segment3, 1, 2) budget_group, glcc.segment3 segment3, '' post_status, sysdate report_date, glcc.code_combination_id ccid, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'B', nvl(glb.project_to_date_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.project_to_date_cr, 0) + nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0), 0)) budget_amt, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'A', nvl(glb.project_to_date_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.project_to_date_cr, 0) + nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0), 0)) actual_amt, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'A', nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0), 0)) actual_ptd, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'E', nvl(glb.project_to_date_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.project_to_date_cr, 0) + nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0), 0)) encumbrance_amt, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'E', decode(glb.encumbrance_type_id, '1000', nvl(glb.project_to_date_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.project_to_date_cr, 0) + nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0)), 0)) encumbrance_commited, sum(decode(glb.actual_flag, 'E', decode(glb.encumbrance_type_id, '1001', nvl(glb.project_to_date_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.project_to_date_cr, 0) + nvl(glb.period_net_dr, 0) - nvl(glb.period_net_cr, 0)), 0)) encumbrance_obligated from (select v.budget_version_id bvid, trim(to_char(p.period_year)) bud_year from gl_budget_versions v, gl_budgets b, gl_periods p where b.budget_name = :ls_budget_name and v.budget_name = b.budget_name and p.period_name = b.first_valid_period_name) bud, gl_code_combinations glcc, gl_balances glb where decode(glb.actual_flag, 'B', glb.budget_version_id, bud.bvid) = bud.bvid and glb.period_name = :period_name and glb.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id and glcc.summary_flag = 'N' and glcc.segment1 between :fund_low and :fund_high and glcc.segment2 between :center_low and :center_high and glcc.segment3 between '50000' and '59999' and glcc.segment4 = bud.bud_year group by glcc.code_combination_id, glcc.segment1, glcc.segment2, substr(glcc.segment3, 1, 2), glcc.segment3 order by 1 asc, 2 asc, 3 asc, 4 asc, 5
[font=Courier New] select ffvtl.description, ffv.flex_value from applsys.fnd_flex_values ffv, applsys.fnd_flex_values_tl ffvtl where ffv.flex_value_id = ffvtl.flex_value_id and ffv.flex_value_set_id = (select ffvs.flex_value_set_id from applsys.fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs where ffvs.flex_value_set_name = 'OKC_FUND' ) [/font]