This morning was about the 5th occasion now that when I'd go to use my PC, it wouldn't respond. When I left the computer the night before, nothing CPU or disk intensive was running.
The screen was off (I have it shut off for power saving), and when I moved my mouse to wake it back up, it would not respond.
Num lock, etc etc also would not respond.
My Power Options in Windows CP are as follows:
Turn off Monitor: 10 mins
Turn off Hard Disks: 1 hour
System Standby: Never
Hibernate: NOT enabled
I was forced to hard power down the machine. I tried to reboot it several times and it would not post. Nothing in the case felt hotter than mildly warm. I walked away from it for 30 mins, and it turned right on. I immediately went into my BIOS to view my temps, and the CPU was around 95 degrees F, which is what it runs at normally in Windows.
What gives??
The screen was off (I have it shut off for power saving), and when I moved my mouse to wake it back up, it would not respond.
Num lock, etc etc also would not respond.
My Power Options in Windows CP are as follows:
Turn off Monitor: 10 mins
Turn off Hard Disks: 1 hour
System Standby: Never
Hibernate: NOT enabled
I was forced to hard power down the machine. I tried to reboot it several times and it would not post. Nothing in the case felt hotter than mildly warm. I walked away from it for 30 mins, and it turned right on. I immediately went into my BIOS to view my temps, and the CPU was around 95 degrees F, which is what it runs at normally in Windows.
What gives??