Sounds like DVD +/- R ALL OVER AGAIN.
The Buzz: The war between Blu-ray and HD DVD over high-definition disc formats rages on, with no sign yet that either camp will throw in the towel. But thanks to some new optics developed by Ricoh, you might not have to choose between the two. The Ricoh design enables a single drive to read Blu-ray discs, HD DVDs, CDs, and DVDs--by using a special diffraction plate that lets the drive focus its laser at the different depth each disc uses. That's a welcome bit of technology in a format battle that seems to be growing more unsettled by the day. The first players on both sides have shipped, but Sony recently delayed its stand-alone Blu-ray player until late October. And if it can't get the player ready until then, how can the Blu-ray-equipped PlayStation 3 possibly... Ah, never mind.