So I came home one day, and after about an hour my wife says very matter-of-factly, "By the way, Javan [my oldest] pulled a cable out from your computers speakers and plugged it in somewhere strange. There was a pop and some sparks and now your speakers don't work." Sure enough, when I try to turn on the power the power LED is dead.
Today I finally got around to pulling out the amp from my old, like the first batch of Klipsch Pro Media 4.1 with the control pod upgrade, speaker system and see that the fuse has blown but everything else looks okay. No big deal, a quick run to Radio Shack yields a 5A, 250 V replacement fuse. So I throw the fuse in, power on and ... POP ... followed by the most dreaded odor of all electronics geeks: burnt plastic. Opening back up amp and doing a more thorough examination of the power stages yields this:

Two of the, what I'm pretty sure are, opamps are blown to all hell!
This is why my main stereo is locked in my bedroom. Anyway, I have neither the time nor the desire to rebuild the amp and figure out what happened, so if anyone wants it I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping. One of the speakers are broken and thrown out (another mishap caused my oldest during one of his devilish moods), but there are three working speakers and the sub drivers seem to be in good shape. This has the upgraded control pod with the better preamp and the headphone out and MP3 player input.
So Jesse ... what speaker system did you finally go with again?
PS - The Macro mode on my new camera rules!
Today I finally got around to pulling out the amp from my old, like the first batch of Klipsch Pro Media 4.1 with the control pod upgrade, speaker system and see that the fuse has blown but everything else looks okay. No big deal, a quick run to Radio Shack yields a 5A, 250 V replacement fuse. So I throw the fuse in, power on and ... POP ... followed by the most dreaded odor of all electronics geeks: burnt plastic. Opening back up amp and doing a more thorough examination of the power stages yields this:

Two of the, what I'm pretty sure are, opamps are blown to all hell!
This is why my main stereo is locked in my bedroom. Anyway, I have neither the time nor the desire to rebuild the amp and figure out what happened, so if anyone wants it I'll send it to you for the cost of shipping. One of the speakers are broken and thrown out (another mishap caused my oldest during one of his devilish moods), but there are three working speakers and the sub drivers seem to be in good shape. This has the upgraded control pod with the better preamp and the headphone out and MP3 player input.
So Jesse ... what speaker system did you finally go with again?
PS - The Macro mode on my new camera rules!