I've never bought a console at launch before, but I was cleaning out the old xbox from under the telly and I seemed to find room for a Wii . I havn't pre-ordered one and a quick look on ebay finds them going for over £300 already!!!!!
I phoned around some of the larger supermarkets before 10am and found that most had people already waiting for the stores to dispense at midnight!!! My local ADSA is your typical 0800-2200 variety and they have somehow managed to secure 10 of them. So I phoned up and asked them to place two behind the counter for me, which they agreed.
I'm not sure what to do now. I might keep one, but I have half a mind to be a ba$tard and sell them on in a week or so's time.
I've not really followed this, but i understand that they come with one controller and the Sports game. What else should i buy - assuming I am keeping one
Evil Paddy's back!
I phoned around some of the larger supermarkets before 10am and found that most had people already waiting for the stores to dispense at midnight!!! My local ADSA is your typical 0800-2200 variety and they have somehow managed to secure 10 of them. So I phoned up and asked them to place two behind the counter for me, which they agreed.
I'm not sure what to do now. I might keep one, but I have half a mind to be a ba$tard and sell them on in a week or so's time.
I've not really followed this, but i understand that they come with one controller and the Sports game. What else should i buy - assuming I am keeping one
Evil Paddy's back!