Just poped my new opteron 165 into my socket 939 motherboard and made the step into the world of dual core. Must say I'm impressed, can now run my excel macro's (which take about 10 minutes to complete) AND still use the PC at the same time for other things.
However I'm looking to overclock this thing as high as I can, stock is 1.8 and I literally just booted last night when I got it in the PC at 2.5G straight off prime stable, only problem is prime is only making use of 50% of the CPU, ie 1 core. What do people use to stress test dual core?
However I'm looking to overclock this thing as high as I can, stock is 1.8 and I literally just booted last night when I got it in the PC at 2.5G straight off prime stable, only problem is prime is only making use of 50% of the CPU, ie 1 core. What do people use to stress test dual core?