Gotta problem. I FINALLY found out why I've been having trouble overclocking my last 2 processors with my Asus P2B (P2 350 / P3 450). Most people seem to be able to run the P3 450 at much higher speeds: well, not me. I bumped er up to 504 (112x4.5), and it ran fine for a day. Then my machine beeped a few times and froze solid (heat I presume?). So one day I'm messing around inside my case with my machine powered up and I notice (HOW did I miss this before) that my power supply is blowing hot air RIGHT ON TO MY CPU! (duuuhhhh...wonder where the heats coming from
). Even though I have a fairly big fan sucking air out the back of the case, it appears this ain't enough. THIS is my problem: I can't simply flip the power supply upside-down due to the design of the case since it has an unremovable "roof" on it (it's a minitower case BTW). So what can I do? IS there anything I can do besides buy a better case?
The Rock
Home Machine: P3 450 + 128 Meg PC100 RAM + 23G Storage
Work Machine: IBM OS/390 + 10Gigs RAM + 1.5 Terabytes Storage (and no damn AGP slot...what a waste)

The Rock
Home Machine: P3 450 + 128 Meg PC100 RAM + 23G Storage
Work Machine: IBM OS/390 + 10Gigs RAM + 1.5 Terabytes Storage (and no damn AGP slot...what a waste)