Someone emailed me about why I was running my P3-450 at 558, instead of 600, since he'd heard that the G400 was able to handle the 133mhz FSB.
So i tried it =)
At 133x4.5 with AGPCLK 2/3 and PCICLK 1/4 at 2.1v windows _nearly_ booted but spontaneously rebooted just before it should have loaded my desktop.
At 2.2v it booted to windows just fine, but when I fired up Quake3 it closed itself and dropped it into that ultrahigh gamma 640x480 res it does when it crashes.
Unsure of whether or not it wasthe G400 that crashes it or general instability.
No particular interest in going any further with my experimentations though. 558 is more than fast enough, and 600 ain't such a boost that i'd wanna throw more money into better cooling and such.
Definately a good processor though. If I was one of you crazy types, i'd smack a peltier or a kryotech type dealie on it and see how far it goes.
So i tried it =)
At 133x4.5 with AGPCLK 2/3 and PCICLK 1/4 at 2.1v windows _nearly_ booted but spontaneously rebooted just before it should have loaded my desktop.
At 2.2v it booted to windows just fine, but when I fired up Quake3 it closed itself and dropped it into that ultrahigh gamma 640x480 res it does when it crashes.
Unsure of whether or not it wasthe G400 that crashes it or general instability.
No particular interest in going any further with my experimentations though. 558 is more than fast enough, and 600 ain't such a boost that i'd wanna throw more money into better cooling and such.
Definately a good processor though. If I was one of you crazy types, i'd smack a peltier or a kryotech type dealie on it and see how far it goes.