Well, I finally took the second -in a series of 2- SD-11s back, and also had tried the Gigabyte GA-71X...some of you had probably read my whining posts re: all the probs I had with both the FIC and GIG mobo...the reboots during win98 install at Hardware Detect, PNP...etc...and the Video errors (openGl, model, etc..errors)...Anyway, took the FIC SD-11 and my K7 600 back..traded up for the 650 (it was almost the same price as my 600 was three and a half weeks ago!!!) and got an Asus K7M...
Well, its working fantastic!!! Not a single spontaneous reboot during 98 install...and everything else seems to be fine...Asus really makes a classy well made mobo(mofo)...and I am really inpressed with the K7M...so far...will probably only last for a while, as I will HAVE to GET a new mobo when the 133 chipsets come out!!!
Its also nice to be able to use my thermistors again to keep an eye on the temps...
Well, its working fantastic!!! Not a single spontaneous reboot during 98 install...and everything else seems to be fine...Asus really makes a classy well made mobo(mofo)...and I am really inpressed with the K7M...so far...will probably only last for a while, as I will HAVE to GET a new mobo when the 133 chipsets come out!!!
Its also nice to be able to use my thermistors again to keep an eye on the temps...