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  • Skulltrail

    A few months ago, at the fall Intel Developer’s Forum, we got some hands-on time with an Intel Skulltrail system and were able to snap a handful pictures and document a few benchmark scores.  At the time, Skulltrail was still in it the pre-production phase as Intel had a few changes in store for the platform, but it was mature enough...


    If only I had $3000 for just the mobo and two Penryn Extreme quad-core CPUs. I am also impressed with the lack of legacy. No Parallel, no serial...hurray!
    “Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get out”
    –The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett

  • #2
    and when someone buys it, in three years it will double as the most expensive heater in their house.
    As mentioned in the linked thread, it is just so horribly wrong there's not much else to be said other than that it is a board designed for people who want to waste their money on something useless
    So many PCIe16x slots, dual CPU sockets... the madness

