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Recurrent data corruption.

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  • #16
    cheers. I'll carry that motion forward...

    anyone got a glove?
    The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


    • #17
      Thanks everyone. Done all of those things, so I'm now lying in a pile of discarded cables, video cards, suspect drivers and the rest. By process of elimination, the finger of suspicion is now pointing to the NF3-250 chipset, and both Asrock and Nvidia are strangely quiet on the subject of vista support. Vista now refuses to install, despite stripping down to a bare bones system and supplying it with nominated GART drivers at installation. It's a different error each time, but most commonly a stop 8E at the hardware probe stage. Although it has installed before, with a LOT of perseverence, so perhaps I'm just not chanting the right incantations for the phase of the moon and wind direction (currently a northerly force eight coming straight off the Moray Firth). Having just acquired a new AGP card, I don't really want to have to get another AGP motherboard. Perhaps I should just throw in the towel and be content with XP and/or Ubuntu, which I know will work, and will probably work better than vista ever will?


      • #18
        Now we know where Patrick gets his lyricism from. Welcome, Paddy Senior

        My advice: Save yourself a lot of heartache and stick with XP if you know it will work on that machine. I've yet to see a GOOD reason to switch.

        I've had esoteric problems with Asrock boards before. Perhaps that goes along with being cheap.

